Meet Your Course Moderator

Meet Your Course Moderator

I would like to introduce everyone to your course section moderator. Iya Bibi, Oderinde, is the elder of her Ile, Ile Osoosi. She and her spiritual house (ile) joined the curriculum in the Spring of 2021. We are proud to introduce her as a moderator for the Understanding Yorùbá Spirituality Through Proverbs course. 

Iya Oderinde (Beatrice Manning), Priestess of Osoosi

Beatrice Manning, has been a devotee of the Yoruba/Lukumi spiritual tradition for over 30 years. She was initiated as a priest to Osoosi (Oshosi/Ochosi), The Divine Hunter, in 2001, in the ilé (house) of Agongoloju and Oshunleyé, her esteemed godparents.

In addition to learning the requirements of the priesthood, "Iya Bibi" as she is fondly called, also became an alashé (specialist) for the preparation of ritual foods that are sacred to the Yoruba deities known as Orisha, the Egun (ancestors) and other ceremonial food preparation. In addition to being blessed with three initiated children of her own, she is also a proud godparent to 2 initiated godchildren and to a wonderful group of individuals who are exploring their own paths in Lukumi tradition.

In her secular life, Iya Bibi is an experienced, Certified Herbalist and Dietary Consultant, as well as a Licensed Certified Massage Therapist.

Please welcome your moderator and introduce yourselves...

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